The Wellbeing Team works to promote and maintain the health and wellbeing of students.
At Macleod College we aim for students to be healthy, safe and happy.
We do this by creating a caring, respectful and inclusive environment in which each student feels supported to achieve their best.
At times students may need extra support for their mental health and wellbeing. This may be due to a wide range of issues - from exam stress and friendship concerns, issues at home or in the community, through to mental health disorders.
Our Wellbeing Team can provide professional and confidential support to individual students and their families. This includes individual counselling for wellbeing, group programs and workshops, as well as referral to a wide range of services. For mental health issues, such as depression and anxiety, students can be referred to internal or external services to get the help they need.
The Wellbeing Office is located in the Thomas Carter Wing opposite the Library. Students are advised to make an appointment if possible (email Claudia to arrange), but are always welcome to drop in. Our wellbeing space is warm and welcoming, offering students a place where they can discuss any issues which are of concern.
Parents/Carers can contact the Wellbeing Team for a confidential discussion:
Call Macleod College Reception on 9459 0222 and ask for Wellbeing or email nil@macleod.vic.edu.au (Claudia Nicolin).
Wellbeing Staff
Wellbeing Resources
Department of Education Services:
Department of Education Student Support Service (SSS) - Speech Therapy, Psychology, Social Work
Visiting Teacher Service
Koori Engagement and Support Officers
LOOKOUT Education Support Centres - For students in Out of Home Care.
School wellbeing programs:
Breakfast Club offered every Tuesday and Thursday before school
Homework Club offered after school every Tuesday
Tuning in to Teens program (6 week Emotionally Intelligent Parenting program)
Fit to Drive
Road Smart
Optus Cyber Safety
Reach workshops 8-10
I CAN Network
Big Sister Program
Operation Newstart
Brainstorm Productions
Days we Celebrate:
Take A Stand Anti-bullying
International Day Against Homophobia, Biphobia, Intersexism and Transphobia (IDAHOBIT)
Wear It Purple
Move It Macleod Week
Mental Health Week & Month
White Ribbon
Jump Rope For Heart
Harmony Day
Whole School Approaches:
Be You - https://beyou.edu.au/
Respectful Relationships
Rock and Water Transition Program
Optus Digital Thumbprint Cyber Safety Program
Berry Street Educational Model
Positive Education
What is Positive Education?
Positive Education is based on the science of Positive Psychology which, through a focus on strengths and virtues, enables individuals, communities and organisations to flourish.
Positive Education is supported by brain science that proves we can learn to be more optimistic and by doing so, experience greater levels of happiness, engagement and purpose in life.
What does it look like?
In 2016 Positive Education was formally introduced into the Year 7 to 10 Program, with the students participating in one 60-minute class a fortnight. During this time, students learn and practice skills that enable them to:
be mindful
build positive relationships
experience more positive emotions
enhance personal resilience and wellbeing
Aspects of Positive Education have also been incorporated into our Primary and VCE Programs through a daily focus on:
building on character strengths
practicing mindfulness
developing a growth mindset
expressing gratitude
Why Positive Education?
At Macleod College we are committed to developing the whole person: academically, socially and emotionally. We believe Positive Education gives us the necessary tools to do just that.
Research shows that individuals who practice the skills taught in Positive Education increase their academic performance as well as overall happiness and life satisfaction.
We see Positive Education as more than just a program at We see Positive Education as more than just a program at Macleod College. It is an evidence- based approach to life and learning that empowers individuals and communities to be the best they can be.
Out of hours support:
Emergency: Police/Fire/Ambulance - Call 000
Crisis Help:
Lifeline: www.lifeline.org.au phone: 13 11 14
Kidshelpline www.kidshelpline.com.au phone: 1800 551 800
Suicide Call Back Service www.suicidecallbackservice.org.au phone: 1300 659 467
Suicide Line www.suicideline.org.au phone: 1300 651 251
Sexual Assault Line (after hours) phone: 1800 806 292
Safe Steps (family violence) phone: 1800 015 188
Austin Hospital (ER) phone: 9496 5000
24 /7 Crisis support for Aboriginal and Torres Strait Islanders 13 92 76 13
Counselling Services:
headspace (Greensborough) https://headspace.org.au/headspace-centres/greensborough/ phone: 9433 7200
eheadspace www.headspace.org.au/eheadspace phone: 1800 650 890
Banyule Youth Services www.banyuleyouth.com phone: 9457 9855
Beyond Blue www.beyondblue.org.au phone: 1300 22 4636
Sane Helpline www.sane.org phone: 1800 18 7263
Yarning SafeNStrong (ATSI) phone: 1800 959 563
QLife (LGBTIQA+) www.qlife.org.au phone: 1800 184 527
Rainbow Door (LGBTIQA+) SMS support: phone: 0480 017 246 or1800 729 367
Grief Line www.griefline.org.au phone: 9935 7400
HeadtoHelp www.headtohelp.org.au phone: 1800 595 212
1800 RESPECT www.1800respect.org.au phone:1800 737 732
Directline (Alcohol and Other Drugs) www.directline.org.au phone: 1800 888 236
YSAS (Preston) www.ysas.org.au phone: 9478 0786
Mensline: phone: 1300 78 99 78 https://mensline.org.au/
Other services:
Orange Door (family violence and child wellbeing concerns) www.orangedoor.vic.gov.au phone: 1800 319 355
Child Protection Crisis Line phone: 13 12 78
Heidelberg Police Station phone: 9450 8000
Greensborough Police Station phone: 9435 1044
Nurse On Call phone: 1300 60 60 24
Parentline phone: 13 22 89
ER Directory | Diamond Valley Community Support Inc. | Australia (dvsupport.org.au)