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Primary School 
Prep - 06

Our Early Years program (Years Prep – 06) is focused on ensuring a smooth transition to school, developing the foundations for Literacy and Numeracy, personal wellbeing and connection to the school.


The dedicated Early Years centre is spacious and well-resourced through ICT and specialist teachers. Students enjoy Language (German), Art, Music, PE and Library sessions. Netbooks are used extensively, especially for literacy and numeracy programs which include Reading Eggs and Mathletics. Reading recovery operates in Year 1 for those students who need additional literacy assistance. All students participate in the Athletic and Swimming carnivals, while years P-2 also enjoy PMP.

Years 05 - 06

The younger levels have a modern building which is light, spacious and fitted with ICT devices, such as interactive whiteboards, ceiling projectors and netbook banks. Breakout rooms allow for quiet group work, interviews or extra tuition.

On the whole, students operate within their class groups, enjoying a varied program of core subjects, along with specialist classes in Music, Languages, PE and Art. 

Outside the classroom there are camps, sports days, music events, theme days and many other ways in which student engagement is assured. As an extension activity, students also have the option to compete in the Tournament of the Minds competition held at La Trobe University.

Parent Involvement

The college values our partnership with parents and encourages as much involvement as parents are able to offer. Helpers are given a training session by the Early Years Coordinator and they are then able to participate in the classroom helper program. 

The Parents and Friends of Macleod (PaFM) also provide ways of being involved in what's happening at school.

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4  Music with P3 - 4.3.22.JPG



麥克勞德VICTORIA 3085


電話+61 3 9459 0222


麥克勞德學院(Macleod College)恭敬地承認沃倫傑里人是學校所在地的傳統擁有者,並尊重土著人民持續存在的生活文化。

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A state Prep - 12 School




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