Curriculum - What we teach
Macleod College provides a rigorous and sequential curriculum that promotes authentic engagement through collaboration, critical thinking and creativity.
The College is guided by the Victorian Curriculum, as to what to teach in each of the year levels under each of the Key Learning Areas (KLA). This is documented within the college framework and informs staff/ students/families as to what key knowledge and skills will be taught in the semester. How this will be assessed and reported on.
Curriculum by Year Level
EnlighTEN - Year 10 Study Units creating pathways into VCE, VCE-VM (commencing in 2024)
21st Century Education skills: The college Annual Implementation Plan guides what we teach. In achieving AIP2, creating empowered learners who are inquiring, creative, critical thinkers and engaged in and connected to their learning we employ 21st Century education skills. These skills are embedded in our curriculum, our lessons in our assessment tasks and in extra curricular activities.
Hold Fast - Positive Education & Wellbeing - WPBS