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Houses of Macleod

Carter, Scarff, Ramsay and Shepherd

Macleod College has a long history of a strong house system. The houses were created when the school opened in 1954 and have become an integral part of the College’s sports program. Students can participate in different sporting activities throughout the school year to win house points for their house. At the end of the year, the house with most points is awarded the Jason Taylor Memorial Trophy.


At Macleod College, each house has been named after a prominent figure in education.


Named after: Mr. Harold Carter

Position held: Secretary and president of the Heidelberg Education Committee 1954.

Legacy: Mr. Carter went on to be an active member of the Macleod High School Advisory Council, and was instrumental in raising public monies for the building of the Thompson Carter building (the theatre and library). Mr. Carter, who passed away on 1st December 2000 aged 88, was a great advocate of public education.


Named after: Charles Thomas Scarff

Position held: Former Chief Inspector of Secondary Schools in 1954
Legacy: Scarff, strategic and vocal, led the charge to an updated, contemporary education system. His most significant curriculum contribution consisted of introducing a common curriculum in the lower years of secondary schooling. He was concerned that many students did not finish their secondary education, and most students attended high school and not technical school, thus missing out on practical skills.

The common curriculum included standard academic subjects and a taste of practical and vocational subjects. When students reached Year 9 – or Form 3 as it was known then – they could refine their choices. This curriculum model is still used today.



Named after: Sir Alan Hollick Ramsay

Position held: Director of Education 1954
Legacy: The education system which Ramsay took over had been starved of funds during World War II and faced a massive increase in enrolments. He attacked the problem with characteristic enthusiasm, introducing standardized prefabricated classrooms to meet the immediate need for accommodation; permanent new buildings came much later. Conscious of the need to recruit more professionally trained staff, he introduced a two-year course for those intending to be primary school teachers and expected those who were to teach in secondary schools to have university qualifications. A comprehensive program of in-service residential training was also implemented. Lindsay Thompson, a later premier of Victoria, described him as 'the acme of reliability and sound common sense'.



Named after: Sir Alfred Ernest Shepherd

Position held: Minister for Education 1954
Legacy: Shepherd revitalised the Education Department's building program, travelling widely to open new classrooms and schools, and to assess local needs, he said “In order to provide buildings in the shortest practicable time it was deemed advisable to plan timber buildings of simple design and relatively easy construction.”


The Jason Taylor Memorial Trophy

Jason was born on 22nd August 1971, one of six children – Robyn, John, Michael, Kim and Sean – born to Tom and Elaine Taylor of Macleod. With his brother Sean, Jason attended Macleod Primary School. Not long before he was to be enrolled at Macleod High School, Jason was tragically killed in a car accident on 23rd August 1983, while on holidays with his family.

Tom and Elaine donated this trophy in the memory of their son as a symbol for all children to be like Jason – fun, loving and “having a go”.





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Macleod VICTORIA 3085 AUS

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