2026 Year 07 Transition
How to enrol
Government school student
Return your completed Application for Year 07 Placement form (included in the Parent Transition Pack) to your primary school in May. Your primary school then sends the form to your first-preference high school.
You will be notified of your placement by your primary school in July, and can either accept or appeal the placement.
Non-government school student
If your child is attending a Catholic or independent primary school, you need to apply directly to Macleod College. Fill in the application form in the Year 6 to 7 Placement Information Pack 2024-25 available from 4 April 2025.
The process follows the same timeline as government schools.
Download and complete the Year 07 enrolment application form, contained within the transition information pack.
Submission via email is preferred at this time enrolments@macleod.vic.edu.au Or mail to Enrolments Officer, Macleod College PO Box 805 Macleod 3085.
We will notify you in July and you can either accept the placement or appeal the decision.

Enrolment timeline for Year 07 in 2026
From 4 April 2025: Families at government schools receive the Parent Transition Pack from their primary school. The application form for non-government schools will be available from our website.
By 9 May 2025: Families at government schools return their completed application for Year 07 to their primary school. Families at non-government schools email their completed application directly to Macleod College.
1 July 2025: Families at government schools are notified of the outcome of their application by their primary school. Families at non-government schools are notified of their outcome by Macleod College.
From 2 July 2025: Enrolment offer correspondence is sent to all successful applicants by Macleod College. Families can lodge placement appeals with secondary schools. Government primary schools will provide families with the appeal form.
25 July 2025: Closing date for families to lodge a written appeal with their preferred secondary school.
By 5 August 2025: Secondary schools provide families with written notification of appeal outcome.
Term 4 2025: Orientation process for future Year 07 families and students commences, including parent welcome evening, initial academic assessment and other events and information.
19 December 2025: Statewide orientation day for all Year 06 students